Im so happy to see that this little blog has found its way out of Sweden
and now have readers from all over the world. So fun and exciting!
Right now im figuring out how to make more time for bloging. Im not writing as much as I would want to.
Carrying a 9 month old baby around my neck doesent make it easy to find the time
Its such a nice feeling though to know that this part of my life will always be here to look back on.
Perhaps when im old and senile ill take a peak in here an relive it.
Im writing this cuz I want you all to know that I will try my best to end each post with a translation for you.
All though, having a baby craving for my attention all day really limits my writingtime.
But like i said, ill do my best.
Im really glad for each one of you that takes the time to check up on me.
It makes this whole blogging thing more fun knowing someone is actually reading it! Haha.
Thats all for now.
Guess who got a new haircut?

Let me Know what you think!? I have a kind of love-hate relation to it.
Oh an PS. If my english/spelling sucks. Hers an apology in advance. Sorry!
Thank you come again. Said Apu.